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 Clickbank Marketing Secrets | Clickbank Marketing Strategies

Clickbank Marketing Secrets | Clickbank Marketing Strategies
Clickbank Marketing Secrets   

How can you build self-reinforcing traffic streams for Clickbank promotions? 

A lot of people are under the impression that traffic is something that is not much different from pork bellies, potatoes, wheat or rice. In other words, they look at traffic as this raw ingredient for making money online. 

This raw ingredient, like highly processed flour or wheat or rice, can be bought anywhere at any time. This is, after all, just the raw ingredient for online income. If this is your thinking, join the club. I can’t even begin to tell you how many people share your ideas. They think that making money with Clickbank is really all about setting up a conversion system. 

As long as all the parts are there, then the system will work and all they need to do is add traffic. They lack imagination, resourcefulness and creativity. This is why their first instinct is to buy the traffic. This is a very dangerous mindset. It really is. If you want to avoid bankruptcy, you might want to step away from this type of thinking. 

Please understand that traffic is not an afterthought. In fact, I would argue that traffic is the most important part of your Clickbank revenue system. I know that may seem like a shock to a lot of people. After all, they’ve had the idea drilled into their heads all these years that they have to create the right website and the right system first, and then they just add the traffic.

It’s actually the other way around. You find the traffic first and then you build a business around it. If you are able to do this, then the traffic that you managed to get from such a system is not one-time traffic. You know exactly what I’m talking about. When you pull traffic randomly from all over the web, these people check out your website and they quickly bounce out. 

In fact, in many cases, they don’t even bother to read your website. They couldn’t care less. Clicking that link was an accident. Do yourself a big favor. Build your business around existing traffic and use content to create self-reinforcing mechanisms and loyalty-building features that would get people to not only visit your website once, but stay on your website for a long time. 

Set it up so they end up liking your content so much that they come back again and again. To get the inside scoop on how important the self-reinforcing traffic systems are to your Clickbank promotions business, click here. 

Let me clue you in on one key self-reinforcing or self-repeating traffic: mailing list traffic. If you are serious about truly leveraging the conversion value of your traffic, you need to build a list. You really do. In fact, this should be one of the things you need to think about right after you put up your Clickbank content site. 

You have to understand that the vast majority of visitors you’ll ever get to your pages will never come back. They just click and they leave. Either you convert them then and there or you’ll lose them forever. To get chance after chance to convert this traffic into cold hard cash, get as much of them to join your mailing list. When you send an update, there is a very big chance that some of the traffic you would have otherwise lost permanently will come back to your site. Also, when you send an update, there’s a chance some of your list members would click on the CB affiliate links in your email content. Leverage your hard-earned traffic today!

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Clickbank Marketing Secrets | Clickbank Marketing Strategies
Clickbank Marketing Secrets   

This is the #1 success ingredient in forum marketing

I’ve been promoting Clickbank products for many years now. I’ve seen a lot of affiliate marketers come and go in this business. A lot of them come in, talking a big game. In fact, a lot of them make a lot of noise. It’s very easy to fall for the hype. It’s very easy to think that a lot of these people know exactly what they’re talking about. After all, they’re talking about making a lot of money. 

But just as day follow night, a lot of these marketers all too predictably fail. They become quiet sooner rather than later. The reason for this, of course, is that they look to get traffic from all the wrong places. Once they do get access to potentially lucrative traffic, they end up dropping the ball. One good example of this is forum marketing. 

Make no mistake, it would be great to put your product information in front of the eyeballs of people who have demonstrated in no uncertain terms that they are interested in the solutions your products bring to the table. You may be thinking that this is a slam-dunk. You might be under the impression that this is like shooting fish in a barrel. 

I can’t blame you for thinking that way. It seems so easy. But somewhere along the line, they drop the ball. How come? Well, this is very easy to do with forum marketing because when you go on a forum, it seems that everybody there is already talking about a fairly narrow set of problems. It’s very tempting to just put your link in front of these eyeballs and call it a day. 

That’s precisely what too many marketers do. Here’s the problem, what they’re doing is spam. Nothing more, nothing less. This is why it’s really important to understand the #1 success ingredient in forum marketing. It doesn’t matter whether you’re promoting Clickbank or not. It doesn’t matter whether you’re promoting products or services. 

If you understand this key success ingredient in forum marketing, you will win consistently. What am I talking about? What is the #1 success ingredient in forum marketing? It’s credibility. That’s all it is. 

You have to market on forums using your credibility. How do you build credibility? Again, it’s very simple. You just post and interact and engage. That’s what forums are for. These are like online watering holes. People show up to these places, partly to share information, and party to socialize. 

If you engage in those behaviors an you give people information that they can see is legit and trustworthy, you become authoritative. People, sooner or later, start giving you the benefit of the doubt. Once you reach that point, you can then start marketing your own stuff. 

Since they are giving you the benefit of the doubt, a lot of the traffic you get from your forum marketing efforts are more likely to convert. Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t think they have all the time and patience to do this. So, what do they do? They find all sorts of forums and look for related discussions and they just drop a link. 

Maybe they put a little bit of content around it or maybe they would come up with an original comment, but ultimately, it boils down to the link that they are dropping. It is no surprise that the vast majority of people who market on forums this way fail. If you think about it hard enough, they’re not really marketing. They’re just basically throwing their links all over the place. Talk about a waste of time. 

Focus on building credibility and building real online relationships and reputations and you will find yourself handsomely rewarded.

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Clickbank Marketing Secrets | Clickbank Marketing Strategies
Clickbank Marketing Secrets   

What is the KLT process and how can it help you sell more Clickbank products? 

If you have ever tried your hand at affiliate marketing or any kind of online promotions, you should already be familiar with the phrase, “KLT process.” What does KLT stand for? To recap, it means Know, Like and Trust.  This is the foundation of any kind of sales. 

I don’t care whether you’re selling stuff on a street corner, in a department store or over the internet. You have to go through this process, otherwise you’re not going to make a sale. 

How does this work? Well, ask yourself when was the last time you bought something from somebody you completely did not know? You haven’t heard of this person before. They just stepped up to you and tried to sell you stuff. Do you think you’d buy from them? Obviously, not. Most people don’t think that way.  

How come? There is something missing. Trust. For you to buy something, you have to first trust that the product solves a problem of yours. You also have to trust in the integrity of the person. This person is not blowing smoke up your backside. This person is not defrauding you. This person is not deceiving you. This person is actually who they claim to be. 

Any representations they made about the product they are selling are spot-on. That’s how you build trust. When there is trust, people are more likely to whip out their credit cards and buy stuff. Do you see how this works? There has to be trust for sales to happen. But here’s the problem, for us to get to that stage, the person convincing the prospect must get the prospect to like their category of solutions. 

For people to decide on a brand of watch, they must first be made aware that a certain type of watch is the best choice for them. In other words, they have to like a category of products that the ultimate product that you’re selling falls under. To complicate matters even more for them to get to that point, they must first feel that you know enough about their problems and possible solutions for them to trust you with your recommendations regarding the categories of products they should consider. 

In other words, they have to first feel that you know what you’re talking about, they have to like the category of products that you are promoting, and ultimately, they have to trust this specific product that you are selling. You may be thinking that this is long, convoluted and overly complicated. It isn’t. 

In many cases, people go through the KLT process very quickly. In fact, in many cases, it’s a simple matter of one, two, three.  But you have to go through the process. You have to build credibility and authority. 

Now, I wish I could tell you that all people make very quick decisions. Unfortunately, some people take far longer than others. Whatever the case may be, you have to know how the KLT process works. This way, you can create content for each step of the conversion process. Sure, you get less and less traffic as you get closer to the trust stage, but that’s okay. 

As long as you get enough people at the Know stage, eventually, you would get enough conversions to make the whole thing worthwhile. Wrap your mind around this when you’re promoting Clickbank products. You have to build your Clickbank marketing system with KLT firmly in mind.

That’s how you play the Clickbank marketing game to win. Simply thinking that putting a Clickbank ad in front of somebody who may not be interested will lead to conversions can lead to a one-way trip to failure. Qualify your traffic through the KLT process. To see how this works using content, click here.

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